Genealogy Records Request
Please note: Due to the busy Holiday season, during the months of November-January,
we are not able to process genealogy requests. Thank you for understanding and patience.
At the Cathedral, we acknowledge the historical and personal importance contained in our records. We are happy to assist you in learning more about your family history here in Camden. Here are a few guiding principles set out by the Diocese of Camden in regard to sharing that information with you.
When requesting a record for genealogy puposes, please keep in mind the following:
- Requests are completed as time allows. As a working parish, our primary role is to serve the current needs of our people.
- Requests must be received in writing.
- Information cannot be received or given by phone.
- Sacramental certificates cannot be issued. Certificates are intended for internal church use.
- No genealogist or outside entity is allowed to look at the registers since they contain sensitive personal information.
- Information is given as it exactly appears on the register.
In order to better assist you we ask that you:
- Send your request in writing and attach a Genealogy Request Form.
- You may send a letter along with the request form by mail or email.
- Please be as brief and as specific as possible.
You may read the policy from the Diocese of Camden here: Reference Guide to Sacramental Records